Arjun College of Technology

Arjun College of Technology 
 A pioneer in implementing Quality Circles in Engineering Education

The Quality Circle approach at our institution employs a variety of analytical tools and techniques, such as the Pareto diagram, cause-and-effect diagram, Why-Why analysis, and the 5W-1H principle, to address and solve pertinent issues. While the Quality Circles concept has been widely used across the globe for solving problems in student projects, laboratory setup development, and more, its application within educational institutions remains limited compared to its prevalent use in industries. However, at Arjun College of Technology, we have successfully integrated Quality Circles as a core practice aimed at empowering our academic community.

Formation of Diverse Quality Circles:
At Arjun College of Technology, we have established multiple Quality Circles, each with a unique focus and approach. Some of our prominent QC teams include “HASSLE THRUSTERS,” “QUALITY SPARKELS,” and “QUALITY BURSTERS.” Each team typically comprises five to six dedicated members, working collaboratively to identify and solve key issues within their scope.